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Statement of Distinctives

We believe that in all matters of life, we ought to be living for the glory of God, centered in our redemption through Christ, as enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, by His grace, and with scripture as our ultimate and sufficient authority, we covenant together to:

Build this church solely on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, keeping the gospel central, the source of all activities and messages of the church. We will strive to participate as a church in the proclamation of the gospel and the baptizing and discipleship of all nations. 

Strive to adorn the gospel, as evidence of its transforming power, by forsaking all worldliness, pursuing lives of holiness marked by joyful and loving obedience to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ; thus seeking to embody and manifest the gospel both corporately and individually in our members.​

Love one another with the love of Christ. Love is the highest mark of Christian maturity, so we strive to foster a church that is relational: caring for one another, practicing hospitality and walking together as the family of God.

Encourage biblical patterns in family life and homes where Christ is honored and adored in tangible ways. We will strive to encourage fathers to lead their families in worship and spiritual instruction throughout the week. We will strive to encourage biblical roles for husbands, wives, and children that bring honor to Christ according to His Word. We will seek to live out the gospel in our families at all times.

Assemble on the Lord’s Day for Christ centered worship that is joyful, sincere, and reverent. Such worship, being simple in form, includes prayer, singing, the reading of the scripture, preaching and exhortation from God’s Word, and participation in the Lord’s Supper.

Meet in the context of age-integrated gatherings, with whole families, singles, and all ages coming together for worship and discipleship.

Embrace the two biblical church offices of elder and deacon. We will submit to a plurality of biblically qualified elders, with or without remuneration, who provide pastoral care through loving and attentive spiritual oversight, and appoint biblically qualified deacons (as needed and able) who provide loving and sacrificial service to the body.

Be a church fellowship that is relational rather than programmatic. We desire for the development of relationships, and not the multiplication of programs, to be the conduit of ministry with and to one another.

Practice biblical church discipline as needed, from an attitude of love for Christ and His church, as well as a love for the offender, with a view towards repentance and restoration.

Demonstrate good stewardship through avoiding any corporate debt and careful use of our resources in ways which are pleasing to the Lord.

Be a well ordered church, yet avoiding the form of structure that resembles a business or democracy, and unnecessary obligations to government stipulations. 

Grow and mature as a body which will, as God enables, lead to the planting of new and healthy local churches, nearby or abroad.

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